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The Board

Board & Non-board Positions

  • President- Manon

    • Sets and monitors goals of the club; runs board meetings; appoints committee chairs and delegates tasks as necessary; maintains communication with MOMS Club International​

  • VP Membership- Tiffany

    • Responsible for new member recruitment, including email communication and hosting monthly Open House events; Oversees the membership process and keeps roster and membership forms current with incoming members info; Point of contact for Potential New Members (PNMs) 

  • VP Administration- Wendy 

    • Oversees the operation of our chapter's public Facebook page; Coordinates​ community service projects; Coordinates official Club events (i.e., End of Year Banquet, Yearly Family BBQ, Christmas party, etc.)

  • Treasurer- Stephanie

    • Maintains all financial records, including membership dues​; Keeps roster current with membership renewal and exiting members; Insures our chapter is in compliance with all MOMS Club International and 501c financial guidelines

  • Secretary- Alicia

    • Documents board meeting minutes and posts for public record; oversees all records ​and important files; Creates and updates monthly calendar of events as needed 

  • Sunshine Committee Chair- Wendy 

    • In charge of coordinating meal trains for births, bereavement, etc.; Birth announcements; Loss & health crisis point of contact.

  • Social Media Engagement Coordinator- Amy 

    • Posts weekly discussion topics, as well as local interest and events​

  • Newsletter Editor- Allie S.​

    • Create and post monthly newsletter with recap and important info​

  • MOMS Club GLMS Swap Admin- Laurie

    • ​​Point of contact for our​ private Swap Facebook page

  • Website Manager- Tiffany

    • Maintains this website within compliance of all MOMS Club guidelines â€‹





  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
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