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Community Service

Our community is a huge part of MOMS Club of GLMS

MOMS Club of GLMS gives back to our community in many ways. As a group we:

  • Emphasize supporting local, small businesses

  • Organize Earth Day community clean-ups

  • Donate supplies to local charities

  • Fundraise for community service projects

Six Little Free Libraries

Special thank you to Pfizer and Noank Fence & Construction for generously helping with this project.


Back To School Backpacks

Before the beginning of each school year our Club donates new backpacks filled with school supplies to Safe Futures, in New London.


Stay Warm Project

Members of our Club donate newly purchased or handmade hats, scarfs and gloves to a local shelter each winter. Our goal is 25+ sets.

Earth Day
Community Clean-up

Every Earth Day, members get together to pick up trash and clean up some of our local parks.


Fundraising to Support Charitable Efforts

Our members volunteer for and host many fundraisers throughout the year in an effort to raise the funds needed to support the donations we make to the community.

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