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About MOMS Club
We are a support group designed just for you, mom! You are interested in the world around you, want a variety of activities for you and your children, and are proud to be a mom. We know, because we’re mothers, too!
You need a support group that understands your special needs as a mother and we’re it! MOMS Club is the first, largest and fastest growing support group specifically for ALL mothers.
We know that you made a choice to be a mother, and that choice is not easy in today’s world. We understand that being a mother does not mean you “don’t work” — ALL mothers work, whether they work taking care of their children at home or work outside the home.
Our chapters plan all sorts of activities for their mothers and children. There are playgroups, field trips and holiday parties, of course, because moms love that for their kids. But there are also stimulating activities specifically geared for the moms. Activity groups share interests like cooking, couponing, crafts, books and exercise. Once a month we also have a MOMS Night Out.
Each chapter plans at least one service project to benefit their community. That can be as simple as collecting toys for foster children to something as elaborate as planning fundraisers and creating a new playground, or helping a new wing of a children’s hospital.
If you’re looking for other mothers and want a wide variety of activities for you and your children, we’re the group for you. We believe you are interesting and capable, and we can’t wait to meet you!